Thursday, August 7, 2014

40 Weeks

Well, August 3rd has come and gone, and Nolan has yet to make an appearance.  Went to the doctor on Tuesday, 5 Aug, where Tricia tried to strip my membranes and jump-start the process.  I was still only about 1 centimeter dilated!  She said she actually tried to break my water, but my body is just no where near ready.  Going back on Thursday for some tests, looking for a reason to induce labor. 

Blaine and I went back to see Tricia on Thursday, 7 Aug.  We were prepared just in case we would be able to induce labor, but more likely expecting to go back on Monday.  Had an ultrasound and saw little Nolan just hanging out in my belly.  They measured my amniotic fluid, which was just fine.  They then monitored Nolan's heartbeat for 20 min, and everything looked good as expected.  Nolan and I are both fine and healthy.  As there is no medical reason to start induction, we have to wait until I reach 41 weeks.  So, induction has now been scheduled for 8:30am on Monday morning.  As long as everything goes smoothly, Nolan should be here on 11 Aug!